Friday, March 16, 2012

Photo Postcards

Your photo postcard is sent along with your headshot/resume. This is basically your sales pitch, you want to use the photo that best typifies you as an actor and you will usually use your commercial shot for this. So let’s say you send one to an agent’s office, you want to state an interest for them representing you, any classes you’re currently taking and any new work you got. But you don't want to send it out to that agent only once or else it will be forgotten. So in about two or three weeks you want to write another one, this one will serve as sort of a progress report stating any new work you got or any new classes you started to take. Also always state any callbacks you got even if you didn't get the part for what you auditioned for and mention the director and CD that gave you the callback (A callback is when you audition and the CD likes it and calls you in again to audition for the director and producer to see if your right for the role) because the agent can base your talent if the director is reputable and will be more likely to call you in and audition. So don't stop following up. Because in the acting industry persistence isn't a bad thing.

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